Sound&Visions är ett audiovisuellt samskapande där studenter vid Visuell Kommunikation på Beckmans skapar video och rörlig grafik till musik från studenter på Kungl. Musikhögskolan (KMH).

Fram tills 31 oktober kan studenter på KMH ansöka om att delta med sin musik. Du som söker vill utforska hur ditt skapande kan utvecklas i mötet med en annan konstnärlig disciplin. Du är öppen och nyfiken samtidigt som du kan kommunicera dina tankar och visioner på ett tydligt sätt.

Utöver din musik tittar vi på hur du beskriver ditt musikskapande i relation till projektbeskrivningen. Vi ämnar främja en bredd i uttryck och inriktning.

KMH-studenterna blir sedan matchade med studenter på Visuell Kommunikation som i slutet på mars läser kursen Rörlig Grafik och Bild. Deras uppgift är att skapa en rörlig gestaltning till musiken – en “musikvideo” – som i slutet på kursen presenteras digitalt och på vernissage.

Se resultatet från 2024 och ansök till årets open call!

Sound&Visions is an audiovisual co-creation where Visual Communication students at Beckmans make motion graphics to music from students at KMH.

Until the 31st of October, students at KMH can apply with their music. As an applicant, you are interested in exploring how your artistic practice can develop in the meeting with another artistic discipline. You are open-minded and curious while also able to communicate your thoughts and visions clearly.

Beyond your music, we will consider how you describe your musical practice in relation to this project’s description. We aim to promote a diversity of artistic expressions and specialities.

The students at KMH will be matched with students at the Visual Communication studying Rörlig Grafik och Bild from end of March. Their assignment is to create motion graphics – a “music video” – which at the end of the course is presented digitally and in front of an audience.

See the result from 2024 and apply to this years open call!


24.10.01 OPEN CALL opens

24.10.31 OPEN CALL ends

24.11.14 Selected artists announced

25.03.03 Course start

Students at Beckmans start their course.

25.03.07 Beckmans meet and greet

Musicians are invited to Beckmans to meet their collaborating students.

25.04.02 Vernissage (date TBD)

25.04.04 Course end

Students at Beckmans finish their course.


Selected students


Can I participate even if I have completed my studies?

Yes, last-year and same-year alumni are welcome.

Does the audio file need to be a finished work?

Yes and no. The audio file you send in with the application is meant to showcase your idea and musical style. It does not need to be the final version but should not be far from it. And you should be able to deliver a final version before the project starts.

How much time will I need to spend on the project?

None beyond the introductionary meeting, unless you and the students working with your music decides that it is an important part of the project. It could be that you become heavily involved and adapt your music to their ideas, and vice versa. This is encouraged but not mandatory.

Can I use the visuals on my own after the project is done?

Yes, if you want to use the visuals in another setting after this project, we encourage you to keep in touch with your group of students at Beckmans to explore future collaborations and opportunities with your project.

Will it be possible to perform live with final video?

We are looking into finding a venue for presenting the final pieces.

Are the students at Beckmans professional visual or motion artists?

Although the students may have prior experience of motion graphics and live visuals, the premise is that they are studying an introductionary course to animation. The expectation and ambition of the project is to allow students from Beckmans and KMH to build a relationship that ideally lasts beyond the scope of the course.

Projektet leds av: